Tuesday 27 November 2012

Fun Food for Kids And Adults - Try Smoothies

Just take a look at the video below - kids are brainwashed about junk food and they watch on average about 20,000 of these ads every year.

If you are an adult and trying to get fit, there is no better way than to get rid of unwanted fat by adding smoothies to your daily diet. You get some pretty amazing advantages as well such as increased energy, a boost to your immune system, your 5 daily with no fuss and bother and above all you will be in a good mood as well!

There are some suggestions about smoothie recipes. Here are some more tips about making food fun for kids :-

1.Unfortunately the snack foods in most homes are loaded with trans fats and sugar, not good. Recent studies show that the food additives and colourings in these foods is a possible cause of hyperactivity in children.

2. Kids are curious and adventurous - more than you think!

3.Get them involved in the kitchen and that means COOKING .... AND lots of mess afterwards!

4. Avoid kids' menus at restaurants- they choose that junk food . Why ? Is that what they get at home ??

5. Eat together as a whole family. Teenagers from these families are much more likely to stay on the healthy food ladder as they grow up.

6. Rave about certain foods YOU are eating. Kids are copy cats ! They will want to try it too.

7. Get them on to smoothies- it is probably the easiest and cheapest way to get them eating fruit and veggies.

CLICK HERE to discover more smoothie recipes for your kids and for yourself!

Thursday 4 October 2012

Solar Power Home Plans -How Healthy Is Solar Power ?

Is solar energy really practical as regards our health?  The basic answer is yes although that has to be qualified a little bit. However, the basic fact is, as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has reported, there are about 90 million USA citizens who are breathing in air which does NOT even meet the minimum safety standards. They also reckon that there are thirty three areas which are over the smog levels. Now that is scary.

Dirty power 
 Most of this pollution is coming from carbon dioxide emissions as a result of burning fossil fuels, industrial pollution and of course all sorts of toxins and suspended particles. As the normal electricity supply comes mainly from coal burning plants, this type of energy is understandably called ‘dirty power’. 

Solar energy 1,000 times more productive
 Now this is where solar power home plans come into their own.  Just think that solar power can  produce 1,000 times more energy in a year than normal fossil fuels. We are relying on the sun which is the cleanest energy imaginable as there is no mining or processing and there is no problem with disposal and so on. That is why this type of alternative energy is gaining so much popularity all over the world.

Health considerations
 However, a word of caution as regards health. Did you know that most solar panels are probably made in China and that they are contributing to global pollution in that they are not produced ‘cleanly’ because their health and industrial regulations do not bother too much about that.

There is another problem in that many toxic chemicals are used in the panels such as mercury and cadmium.  This means that when they are disposed of they will certainly pollute the atmosphere unless they are securely destroyed or recycled if that is at all possible. 

Have you heard of EHS?
 There is one other health problem which is rarely mentioned. This concerns what is known as EHS which stands for electromagnetic hypersensitivity. Some people are affected by this in that they happen to be extremely sensitive to the high levels of radiation frequency electromagnetic radiation which emanates from these solar panels. But this is relatively rare although the symptoms can be troublesome enough in that they can cause headaches and restlessness. Some people become like that when they enter a building which happens to have solar panels on the roof.

Solar power is the way to go
 Overall though the advantages of solar power home plans outweigh those of traditional sources of power. Solar panels are perfectly safe and there are no indications that they might cause a health hazard except, as I have mentioned in the actual use of toxic materials and in the disposal of them. If modern technology can produce cleaner panels, then this problem will be solved.   

Monday 9 July 2012

The Simplest And Fastest Steps To A Well Behaved Stomach

The solution to finding an over the counter remedy for digestive problems and a gassy stomach appear simple but in reality they are not. If you are aware of the popular bands such as Gas-X and Mylicon, (they contain simethicone) the problem is that they are not nearly as effective as they are supposed to be, especially for relieving gas pain.

If you are lactose intolerant, sometimes the lactase supplements which are again on sale all over the place, may help to ease some of the pain, discomfort and embarrassment. It would probably be just easier to avoid dairy products altogether which is not that easy when you are invited to dinner.

An alternative is to take a few ginger root capsules twice a day. The critics and the doubters here say that these could thin your blood but you would have to take enormous quantities for that to happen.  Some people get relief from the ginger but a more comprehensive herbal remedy is really the answer. There are no side effects and the results are certainly superior to the simethicone which tend to be very mixed.

It comes as no surprise, that ginger root is in the mix which is revered in both Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine as being a great aid to help digestion and to give relief from gassy stomach cramps.  All the research done shows that it is really effective in helping the digestive process.

Another great herb which is used is fennel which can both detoxify and also calm all the rumbling that can also be very embarrassing.  Research is now pointing towards its great capacity to help the smooth muscle of the digestive tract.

Another herb in the mix is burdock. which contains mucilage and inulin. These are great for soothing the gastrointestinal tract while at the same time acting as a laxative which helps to keep bowel movements regular. It also helps the urinary system and can reduce the amounts of uric acid in the body.

Another herb in this winning formula is the Carbo veg. which really helps to reduce the discomfort of gas after eating and is also a great help for the whole digestive process.

Now all these herbs are available in one preparation so there is no need to hunt around your local herbalist. Just one easy dose and you will find that digestive and gas problems may be reduced so much that you wonder is you ever had the problem of how to stop gas and bloating. 

The preparation is also manufactured by one of the major herbal remedies company in the USA which follows GMP practices and is also approved by the FDA. As if that was not enough, their preparations also carry a one year guarantee. 

Sunday 1 July 2012

Why Natural Treatments For ADHD Are Superior To Medication.

Medication for ADHD has now reached epidemic proportions and as time goes by, there does not seem to be an alternative form of drug which would be less harmful. That is why more and more parents are now turning to natural treatments for ADHD. They are just safer all round and in many cases are just as effective.

The reason why this has been hidden is an obvious one. The drug companies are powerful lobbies and they know how to protect their interests. It is as simple as that.

Let us look and see why medication of ADHD with these psychostimulant drugs is not the way to go. First, the figures are alarming. I know that figures for Ritalin prescriptions in the US alone can reach the 6 million figure every year, that is six times what it was just ten years ago.  ADHD diagnoses are rising by an average of 4% each year.  On a more anecdotal basis, a pharmacy assistant friend of mine was astounded when she realized how many requests were being presented for both Ritalin and Adderall, two of the most popular ones on the market to-day.

Here are six reasons why these ADHD meds are not the complete answer although they can be very useful in the short term and in some severe cases. The can stop a child from dangerous impulsive actions and also calm them down. But, and it is a very big but, they also come with a wide range of warnings and provisos.

Six reasons to seek an alternative such as natural treatments for ADHD :-
  • the efficacy of the drugs is now questioned and the effects will wear off after three years (Dr. William Pelham, University of Buffalo and University of Florida).
  • there may be a link with cancer ( National Toxicology Program research).
  • there is a definite link with stunted growth and loss of appetite
  • side effects will vary but can be severe and these will include cardiac arrest, hallucinations, suicide and an increase in violent and aggressive behavior.                       
  • the drugs are using methylphenidate which is the same as cocaine and many of the effects are similar to some effects of this street drug
  • treating ADHD with drugs will not teach a child the behavior and life skills he so desperately needs.
 Natural Treatments For ADHD :

  • Supplementing the child’s diet with essential fatty acids or Omega 3 actually can improve ADHD symptoms more effectively than Ritalin. This was the result of a University of Adelaide study.
  • Other dietary experiments at schools have shown that a healthier lunch with more fruit and vegetables had a marked effect on children’s behavior in the afternoon sessions. They were calmer and altogether more focused.
  • Homeopathic remedies using such ingredients like Hyoscyamus, Versa alb and Arsen iod  and so one are much more effective and without any side effects at all. Luc Montagnier, the Nobel Prize winner in Immunology says that we should be much more open minded about homeopathic medicine. The pharmaceutical companies think otherwise and have even paid for research to show that these are nothing more than highly diluted substances.
  • Helping a child through ADHD benavior therapy is done, not with meds, but with helping to set limits, sticking to them, having proper routines and an ADHD friendly home. These will help a child enormously over time and should not be underestimated at all. 
  •  Children are usually much calmer when they have spent some time doing physical activities in the open so plenty of green time can be beneficial. Much better to do that than allow them use their electronic media at home!
 Check out what natural treatments for ADHD are available and how you can help your child to cope with life at school and at home.

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Kids Behavior Problems

 I have just read a very interesting article in The Guardian recently about what could be at the root of a lot of kids' behavior problems and how we can solve them. The main thrust of this article was how the consumerist society has put enormous pressure on parents to make up for lost prime time with their kids by buyimg them designer clothes, toys and technology.

At least that is the view of many parents in the UK. UNICEF also points out that the long working hours of many British families is putting enormous pressure on them and their children. The fact that the family structure has disintegrated in many cases over the last twenty years or so does not help matters either.

In fact the UK is scoring very badly according to a UNICEF report which puts the UK at the bottom of the table of 21 industrialized countries as regards the well being and happiness of their children. 

 But the survey also pointed out that things operate rather differently in Scandinavia and Spain.

In Sweden, first of all, advertising certain goods to under twelves is banned from children's TV programs and therefore takes a lot of the pressure off. Also there are more shared household and parenting tasks so that neither parent feels overwhelmed. That coupled with the lack of advertising flaunted at kids does help to ease the pervasive 'consumer culture' so keenly felt in the UK and some other countries too.

In Spain the situation is different again in that the extended family can often play a positive role in helping to rear kids so that many of the relatives including grandparents are involved in rearing the children.

When the children themselves were asked about kids' behavior problems, they were quick to point out that their happiness was dependent on several rather important factors and none of these include designer clothes!

 Their main sources of happiness was spending time with their parents and friends and also having plenty of green time activities.

In spite of that the UK lags behind some other countries as regards kids behavior problems in that the parents just are absent, do not know how to parent or simply respond to the enormous consumerist pressure which is heaped on them and their children day after day.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Could Vitamin D Be The Next Cure For Cancer?

I have just been reading the latest news reports on a natural cure for cancer. Yes, it has been found and not by some charlatan either! The work has been done by the research team at the University of Alberta in Edmonton , Canada. The actual cure is a simple drug which is already in use to cure disorders of the metabolism. The drug is called dichloroacetate, a non-toxic chemical and known as DCA for short.

Do you know what the problem is ? Do you know why the FDA will never bother to approve it ? The answer is the patent because it cannot be patented so it is of no use to the pharmaceutical companies. It would just not make enough profit at all. The infuriating thing about this is that there are no side effects and it has actually been shown to be an effective cancer treatment. It can actually cure cancer!

As regards the use of Vitamin D as an effective and valid cancer treatment, the FDA seems to be waking up and there are now over 380 clinical trials taking place to see if this is really a valid cure for cancer instead of chemotherapy.

They are looking at how Vitamin D whether through sun exposure or administering it orally can be used to treat any type of cancer including skin cancer. We shall see what the results of these experiments are. The National Cancer Institute and the National Institutes of Health are collaborating as well.

In the meantime, we can all get our daily dose of sunshine and make sure that our levels of Vitamin D are fairly constant throughout the year.

Now this makes a pleasant change from the normal FDA policy of shutting the door on all natural cures. This is brought out very well in Dan Haley’s book called ‘The Politics of Healing’. They actually banned ten cures, eight of which were for cancer. Subsequently he wrote about another two cures for cancer which worked and these were also suppressed.

The New York Times reports that cancer drugs, not cures are big business! “Virtually every large pharmaceutical company seems to have discovered cancer, and a substantial portion of the smaller biotechnology companies are focused on it as well. Together, the companies are pouring billions of dollars into developing cancer drugs."

It look as if Vitamin D might just might be the next breakthrough in the fight against cancer.