Monday 23 September 2024

Prodentim Review and the Future of Oral Health: Say Goodbye to Cavities

 When we think of probiotics, gut health likely springs to mind first. But did you know that these beneficial bacteria might also revolutionize the way we care for our teeth and gums? Probiotics, often associated with digestive well-being, play an underrated yet vital role in maintaining a balanced oral microbiome — the community of bacteria that live in your mouth. A healthy oral microbiome could mean fewer cavities, healthier gums, and even whiter teeth.

Let’s dive into how probiotics can help combat cavities and improve your overall oral health.

                                                      Image by diana.grytsku on Freepik

Combatting Cavities: The Probiotic Defense

Probiotics work by promoting balance. In your mouth, there’s always a battle between harmful bacteria, which cause decay and gum disease, and good bacteria, which help keep your mouth healthy. Probiotics introduce more good bacteria, creating an environment where the harmful types struggle to thrive. This can lead to fewer cavities and less need for trips to the dentist for fillings. Imagine a future where the sound of the dentist’s drill is just a distant memory — probiotics might help make that dream a reality!

Check out this page for more information on Prodentim

Research backs up these claims. A study from the University of Plymouth, featured in Science Daily, highlights the connection between the bacteria in our mouths and serious health issues like brain abscesses. Keeping a healthy balance of oral bacteria isn’t just good for your teeth — it might be vital for your overall health.

Holistic Oral Health: More Than Just Cavity Prevention

Probiotics don’t just help prevent cavities; they can contribute to all-around healthier mouths. Gums are often a concern for many, with gum disease being a leading cause of tooth loss. Probiotics might help by reducing inflammation and promoting healthier gums. Sarah, 32, shares her experience: “Since I started taking probiotics, my gums don’t bleed when I brush, and my dentist says my gum health has improved.”

Mike, 45, noticed another interesting benefit: whiter teeth. “I’m a coffee drinker, and I’ve struggled with stains for years. After a few months of probiotics, I’ve noticed my teeth look brighter,” he says. While probiotics may not replace whitening treatments, their ability to balance bacteria in your mouth might play a role in reducing stains caused by food and drink.

Simple Ways to Add Probiotics to Your Routine

Incorporating probiotics into your oral care routine is easy and can be done in a few ways. Here are some practical suggestions:

  • Eat probiotic-rich foods: Yogurt, kefir, and fermented foods like sauerkraut are great options.
  • Probiotic supplements: Always consult with your healthcare provider before starting supplements, but these can be a convenient way to ensure you’re getting enough beneficial bacteria.
  • Probiotic oil pulling: Oil pulling, an ancient practice of swishing oil in your mouth to remove toxins, can be enhanced with probiotics to promote oral health.
  • Chewable tablets: Some people prefer chewable probiotic tablets designed specifically for oral health. Imagine having 3.5 billion helpful bacteria in each chewable tablet — that’s some serious oral defense!

The Science Speaks — But More Research Is Needed

While the anecdotal evidence and some studies are promising, it’s essential to remember that the science of probiotics and oral health is still evolving. Further research is necessary to understand the full potential of these friendly bacteria in our mouths. Consulting with a dental professional is always recommended before making changes to your oral health routine.

Probiotics: A Convenient Addition to Your Smile Care

Whether you’re looking to reduce cavities, improve your gum health, or simply maintain a brighter smile, probiotics might be worth considering. They’re easy to incorporate into your daily routine, whether through food, supplements, or specific oral health products. However, as with any health decision, it’s always best to stay informed and seek guidance from your dentist.

Check out this page for more information on Prodentim

Saturday 10 October 2020

Cracking The Flat Belly Code

 The Flat Belly Fix


What I love about the Flat Belly Fix is that it is not just a flat belly diet or a new fad. It comes complete with video coaching on how to do exercise to help you achieve that weight loss goal. 

Lots of programs out there on how to get a flat belly. Some are just diets while others concentrate on fitness. But the flat belly fix does both!

The author of the program is Todd Lamb. He tried this program on his wife after she gained lots of weight after a car accident.  

It just takes 21 days but it does not end after that. If you go through the program, you will discover a few secrets about certain spices that help you in your weight loss plan. 
You will also get smoothie recipes and of course the videos will set you on a daily fitness program to help you maintain your ideal weight 

Here are some of the testimonials from people who actually tried it!

If you haven’t tried this yet, you’re going to want to add this to your morning routine
Drinking 1 cup of this delicious hot beverage in the morning sets you up to burn more fat than 45 exhausting minutes on the treadmill.

In fact, some folks are losing up to 23lbs of fat in just 21 days by drinking it every morning.

Within days of starting this simple morning ritual Jenny could SEE changes in the mirror. And in 3 weeks she had lost so much weight that his momentum was unstoppable…

In 3 weeks she lost 27 lbs…

In 3 months she lost 84 lbs
However this strange scientific discovery — that only takes her a few minutes in the morning — let her melt 23 lbs in 21 days and finally gave her hope and motivation again for the first time in years!
One simple change to your morning routine could kick start a chain reaction that naturally burns away your belly fat 24 / 7…

This odd little fat burning trick is already helping thousands of folks in America beat the odds… defeat frustrating weight gain… and even avoid or reverse diabetes symptoms...

Most people already using this daily routine are losing 21 pounds in just 3 weeks. 
What if there was a common spice you could add to your favorite morning beverage that would burn away an average of 1 POUND a day for 21 days without even exercising?...

That’s exactly what’s happening every day for folks using this brand new trick…

Thursday 25 January 2018

WHY Aren't Your Kids Physically Active? - Here's A Great Solution

We all like to make excuses – Especially when it comes to the things that are challenging. For instance, these two of the excuses commonly made about making time for assuring that our kids are physically active which impacts their health directly a priority: Exercise for kids is not at the top of our list!

1) "I can't afford it"
2) "I don't have enough time"

Today I want to respond to each one and discuss why they're completely untrue...

Excuse 1: "I can't afford the cost to have my child play on any teams or pay to have the family engaged in active play."

Trust me. This excuse hits really close to home. I know what it's like having to watch every purchase, only to see credit card debt pile up. It's not very fun.

With that said, I'd like to mention a term I heard awhile back called "The Latte Factor." While applied more towards saving money, this concept is simple. All you do is eliminate one small expenditure on a daily basis, use this money to fund active play for your kids.


Society and especially kids have been caught up in the electronics revolution. Too many kids are moving their fingers, but not their bodies.  The advent and rapid adoption of technology from cell phones to video game consoles leads to sedentary lifestyles, we move our fingers but not our bodies for entertainment. Where are all the fun activiries for kids that we used to do? 

The end result is childhood obesity is a growing health risk, we are seeing kids as young as 8 years old with cardiac diseases that normally one does not develop until later in life. Today kids as young as 9 are developing Type II diabetes as a result of inactivity and obesity. 

Think about it:  As parents often our kids arrive home from school, start playing video games on their phones or game consoles and never move.  We arrive home, thinking they are finishing up homework, start dinner, watch a TV show together and head to bed.  The result is kids are now spending over 7.5 hours a day on ‘screen time’, the average teenager moves 39.4 minutes per day, with just 4.8% of their time at school actually physically active.

Fun activities for kids

Play is a critical development period in all kids lives; this is where they learn fundamental skills to succeed as adults along with a lifelong live of fitness.

An expert in the childhood development, Peter Gray, gives us further insight. "Play is nature's means for young human beings to acquire the skills to develop successfully into adulthood". Peter Gray, a professor at Boston College, recently spoke for 16 minutes on the evolution of childhood and play. You will be amazed of what you learn.

For instance, here are few items people typically buy on a daily basis:

** A latte at Starbuck's Coffee (Hence "The Latte Factor" expression)

** A pack of cigarettes

** A meal at a fast food restaurant

** An alcoholic drink with your friends after work

Seriously, let's say you spend an average of $5 a day on one of these expenditures. If you add that up, it's $150 a month. Ten dollars is more than enough to afford to have your kids be physically active and engaged in active play for a month. To tell you the truth that's a little less than what I spend for all of my kids to be physically active, having fun, developing new skills and having both their body and brains engaged in a positive way.  Far more than just their fingers!

Unless you're the most frugal person in the world, you can find ways to afford a subscription cost that engages kids and gets them active and healthy. I like my cup of tea from Starbuck's as much as the next person.

But if I knew giving it up for a few months would make a better future, you better believe I'd eliminate this habit in a New York Minute.

Excuse 2: "I don't have enough time to play with the kids or to cart them from practice and games."

Again, I can sympathize with this excuse. I've gone through those periods of life where it seems like there's never enough time. More true if you have a spouse and kids.

I know it's trite, but we're all given the same amount of time each day. The billionaires of the world like Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, and Richard Branson, all who have raised healthy active children and have a 24-hour day just like you and I. The difference, I feel, is they make the most of what they're given.

Now, I really don't know what your lifestyle is like, but I imagine there are ways you could make more time. For instance, here's what I would do to squeeze more time out of a day:

** Stop watching television…Period.

** Eliminate bad time management habits

** Throw out your video game console. It's a completely meaningless activity.

** Get up an hour early each day or go to sleep one hour later

** Use part of your weekend to engage your kids in physically active games that teach them a love of fitness at young ages.  This investment of exercise for kids will stay with them for a lifetime.

Yes, this isn't very might even cause some stress on the home front, initially. Perhaps you'll have to talk with your "significant other" about what you're trying to achieve.

My point is in order to get the best things in life, you often to make sacrifices along the way. But don't worry, its was well worth it!

Play2Health - An Easy Fun Way To Get Your Kids Playing 

Like I said, we all make excuses. Even to this day, I find myself giving reasons for why I don't push past my comfort zone, get off my butt, away from the TV, cell phone and go and do some fun activities for kids.  As you're reading this, ask yourself what excuses are YOU making.

To You and Your Family’s Health,

Thursday 27 June 2013

ADHD Diagnosis Observations- No Room For Complacency

I have just been reading a report in Pediatrics where a study shows that if you are a minority child from Asian, African or Hispanic background, then you are much less likely to be taken for an ADHD diagnosis. 

The result is that among these minorities, the detection, diagnosis and treatment of ADHD is just way below that of white Caucasian origin.  The study was done after the researchers had followed about 17,000 children from kindergarten to the eighth grade.

The conclusion was that among these minorities as many as a half to two thirds were less likely to be diagnosed with ADHD than their white counterparts. This is not because ADHD is not present in these minorities. It is just that there are many factors at play here.

One may be the lack of awareness of what ADHD is and what the warning signs are. Other factors could be economic ones where access to healthcare is expensive or non existent so many of these children just go through their childhood and into adulthood without ever realizing that they have a problem.

Another issue is that minorities are just outside the diagnostic net while it could also be said that white children are being overdiagnosed. There is no definite agreement or consensus on this one.

All too often behavior issues which are plain and simple and need parental intervention. These cases have nothing to do with ADHD. Similarly, behavioral problems or learning disabilities at school may be the result of some other problem. But all too often, teachers want problem children quiet and calm and will often put pressure on parents to get the ADHD label, meds and all the other problems that go with that.

Misdiagnosing a case of ADHD is very serious as medication in the long term can lead to health problems.  
Even more worrying is that fact that original disturbance or disorder may never be properly diagnosed, with all the implications this has as the child moves into adulthood.

Thursday 7 February 2013

Can You Treat ADHD? –Looking At Ways That Work.

Many people think that ADHD treatments that work are just a few pills which happen to be based on amphetamines. That means they are strictly controlled and that there are some question marks about their safety and side effects and so on.  Why do you think that the FDA ADHD drug warning is the maximum that exists? The reason is that there are risks and that is why they get the black box treatment.

But let us move away from these meds because there are lots of other ways that can and do work and they are all based on how we organize a child’s life and the support he receives at home and at school.

We need to think outside the box because we know in our hearts that pills will not teach skills and we are thinking here about academic performance and also social skills and the organisation of an ADHD friendly home especially if we have ADHD ourselves.

When we mention the latter we are wondering how our child is going to learn to :-

  • share
  • fit into his peer group
  • learn to listen
  • understand about turn taking.

The fact that these skills need to be taught means a lot of hard work and monitoring by carers and parents. The fact is that the major task lies in raising awareness in the child that this is the way to make friends.  All too often  kids with ADHD are excluded form their peer groups, simply because they have no idea of what these social skills are. This is perfectly understandable in that the child’s mind is:

  • operating at high speed
  • distracted by sensory images
  • highly impulsive
  • hyperactive

Talking to children, you soon realize that they cannot seem to stop their mind from going all over the place. This is also a major reason for lack of motivation as the dopamine and histamine brain transmitters are all skewed and are also not connecting properly.

The next problem is media time because of we allow the free rein, then they are hyped up and they go into their hyperfocus mode.  ADHD children can concentrate so well on certain things that they simply cannot be torn away from them. The mind is getting instant gratification from video games and that means that it is extremely hard to focus on an activity like reading and homework afterwards. Studies show that kids just cannot focus after a video game and I am not surprised. But video games can be used by therapists to help train the neural pathways

We have to limit media time strictly and also make sure that the TV or computers do not take over   a child’s free time and that we ourselves are setting the example by limiting our own time on these devices.

Why not discover more about trying natural options for ADHD instead on relying on pills that will not teach skills. 

Friday 18 January 2013

ADHD Study Tells Us To Talk More To Our Babies.

Have you tried talking to your baby, cooing at it or laughing together, recently?  The reason I ask is that in a recent ADHD study, researchers at the University of Glasgow have found evidence that there may be a link with ADHD and/or other behavioral problems in childhood.

Their conclusions were that there seems to be some truth in the statement the more talk/interaction/vocalizations/sounds that the baby hears from the mother in the very early years will act as a sort of protection against ADHD developing.

Befoe they reached their conclusions, they watched videos involving 180 mothers talking to their one year old babies.  They found that there was a correlation with the amount of talk and interaction and the risk of developing ADHD. The more talk there was, the less the risk. They even calculated that with about 5 vocalizations less for every minute, the chances of a baby having ADHD was raised by 44%.

This is just one study so we should not draw too many conclusions from it and larger and more extensive studies will have to be done before we start chattering to our babies all the time!  Poor babies.

But maybe this would be a good thing anyway!  Just look at the moms you see in the shopping mall and on public transport. They are very often taking to their friends or texting their nearest and dearest and the baby in the buggy rarely gets any attention at all.

What about the number of times we have seen the TV and some screen device being used as a sort of babysitter?  That is a very frequent occurrence now as well.

Reactions to the study have been varied and many parents say that babies should be getting a lot more attention. However, I know of at least one mother with ADHD herself who has six children all with ADHD!

She has rejected that the amount of talk or lack of it is going to have any effect at all on whether the child goes on to develop ADHD.  She is convinced that the genetic factor is the one that determines whether a child has ADHD and she seems to be the living proof. She has stoutly maintained that she gave her children more than enough interaction to keep them going and that she even homeschooled them.  There are many parents who think like that.

In any case, this ADHD study is going to raise a lot of question marks. But before you send that text to your friend, why not put that off and give your baby some attention instead?

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Fun Food for Kids And Adults - Try Smoothies

Just take a look at the video below - kids are brainwashed about junk food and they watch on average about 20,000 of these ads every year.

If you are an adult and trying to get fit, there is no better way than to get rid of unwanted fat by adding smoothies to your daily diet. You get some pretty amazing advantages as well such as increased energy, a boost to your immune system, your 5 daily with no fuss and bother and above all you will be in a good mood as well!

There are some suggestions about smoothie recipes. Here are some more tips about making food fun for kids :-

1.Unfortunately the snack foods in most homes are loaded with trans fats and sugar, not good. Recent studies show that the food additives and colourings in these foods is a possible cause of hyperactivity in children.

2. Kids are curious and adventurous - more than you think!

3.Get them involved in the kitchen and that means COOKING .... AND lots of mess afterwards!

4. Avoid kids' menus at restaurants- they choose that junk food . Why ? Is that what they get at home ??

5. Eat together as a whole family. Teenagers from these families are much more likely to stay on the healthy food ladder as they grow up.

6. Rave about certain foods YOU are eating. Kids are copy cats ! They will want to try it too.

7. Get them on to smoothies- it is probably the easiest and cheapest way to get them eating fruit and veggies.

CLICK HERE to discover more smoothie recipes for your kids and for yourself!