Thursday 11 December 2008

SAD Therapy- Is Light Therapy Effective ?

If you are suffering from SAD (seasonal affective disorder), then the fall and the winter are difficult times for you. This disorder (which has been described variously as mild depression, depressive disorder or even mild bipolar disorder) is basically a mood disorder and it can be easily treated by the use of

Genetics and age seem to play a role in selecting SAD sufferers. Generally though, women seem to suffer more than men (four times as likely) and it usually begins to affect people at a fairly early age (early twenties).

Needless to say, light and especially sunlight are crucial for our biological rhythms- so that waking and sleeping are dependant on the amount of light available. It is when this pattern is disturbed or affected (eg shorter days in the fall) then some people are liable to suffer from depression, insomnia, irritability and overeating. The same thing happens when our body rhythms are disturbed during a long flight and will produce similar symptoms although fortunately it is short lived but can ruin a holiday or a business trip very often.

Wednesday 10 December 2008

Saving A Relationship - How To Do It !

If you are trying to cope with a relationship breakup and trying desperately to get your ex back, here is a great video by T.Dub Jackson, the creator of The Magic Of Making Up. He talks about how to stop nagging and use a few compliments instead! If you are recovering from a breakup, this is a must see because if you get the program, you get a whole lot of strategies which will teach you how to recover from the breakup and get your ex back !


Monday 8 December 2008

Is There A Diet For ADHD ?

Lots of bad news about psychostimulant drugs for ADHD. Here is some good news! Duke University Medical Center have discovered that the popular ADHD drugs (Ritalin, Adderall and Concerta) do not represent any risk in getting cancer. But have you thought about the other side effects ?? See some scary facts about ADHD medication here .

The second piece of good news is that the National Resource Center on ADHD has now come out and stated that the vast majority of research findings show that additives in food do not cause ADHD or hyperactivity in children. At least this is valid for the USA as The British Food Agency came to the opposite conclusion. But, just to do your child a favour - Try this :-

1. Fish (or fish oil supplements), fruits, nuts, whole grains and green leafy vegetables. Yogurt is a better option than ice- cream or lollies. Smoothies made with healthy ingredients are a great standby. There are lots of recipe sites on the Internet if you are stuck for healthy food ideas for kids.

2. These are a no -no-:- Fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, MSG and any food or pop which has artificial colourings,additives and preservatives.

SEE This Great Site For ADHD Help

Sunday 7 December 2008

Recovering From A Breakup !

Time to get back together again with your ex! You probably do not even know where to start . One thing is sure though - you really want to know what to do to save the relationship. What you need is a strategy and this will help you get through it and get your ex back. Overcoming a breakup is possible and 7,000 people who bought this strategy cannot be wrong ! There is also a great guarantee. Also I wanted to share with you the video which is just a stream of testimonials - now that is impressive !

Click Here For The Strategy

Friday 5 December 2008

Natural Medicine For ADHD - 3 Questions

By now many parents are on high alert because the ADHD conventional medication drugs used , such as Adderall, Risperdal and Ritalin, are accompanied by so many health warnings by the FDA, that you begin to worry if the cure is worse than the disease.

The startling fact is that the long term effects of psychostimulant drugs have never been studied and yet they are prescribed for children in ever increasing numbers. There are doubts too that a child's growth and height will be stunted because of the side effects of the drugs, not to mention suppression of appetite.

So, you are looking for an alternative - does natural medicine and therapy for ADHD exist and what precautions do you have to take to make sure your child is not taking just rubbish ?

Find out what are the THREE Question you need to ask about ADHD Natural cures !

Click here for an Alternative ADHD Remedy

Thursday 4 December 2008

ADHD Natural Remedies - Your Questions Answered

Here is the introduction to an article I wrote on ADHD Natural treatments

"If you have just seen the price tag on prescription medication for ADHD such as Ritalin, Risperdal or Concerta, then you may start having legitimate doubts about whether this is really the way to treat ADHD. Then, when you read the FDA warnings on the packets about possible side effects which range from drug dependency to heart problems and even sudden death, you may ask yourself if there are natural products for ADHD and what the reviews on these products are.


Research has been done on the effectiveness of ADHD natural products and they score just as well as the psychostimulant drugs, but without all the nasty side effects. In one test, the natural products did as well, if not better than the drugs in helping the kids to focus and in improving their self control."

Read the full article here

Check Out A Great Site For SAFE Natural ADHD Remedies