Thursday 26 June 2008

How To Cope With Sciatica

Most of us suffer from some sort of back pain one time or the other. Lumbago is a common occurrence that is caused by exertion, bad posture or lifting heavy objects improperly. Sciatica is a more serious condition of pain in the low back that may extend via the pelvic region down to the heels.

Sciatica is actually a symptom of the compression of the sciatic nerve due to an alternation in one or more of the spinal discs. It may also be caused by a pinched or pulled sciatic nerve.

Sciatica pain is excruciating and severe conditions can lead to partial or complete disability. Long term treatment for sciatica requires sciatic nerve treatment that may include surgery. Home remedies are intrinsic to sciatica alternative remedies and can prove to be very helpful in preventing and managing back pain.

Get more info on SciatiGon - Learn about Sciatica symptoms and natural Sciatica relief

* Make juice of celery and potatoes (add beets or carrots for taste). Both potato and celery are considered to alleviate pain. Also drink two cups of celery tea every day.
* Apply a hot poultice made of turmeric powder, butter oil and garlic to the affected area for an hour. This will stimulate the nerve.
* Garlic is a multipurpose herb. Eat raw garlic pods for eliminating gas, which according to Ayurveda, is one of the major causes behind pain. Heat 150ml of any vegetable oil with ten fresh garlic pods. Use for massaging the affected areas as and when required.
* Fomentation of the affected area will relieve pain and inflammation to a great extent.
* Throw out an overused mattress. Sleep on a comfortable, neither too hard nor too soft mattress.
* A hot bath followed by a cold shower will improve circulation and reduce pain. Alternately, apply a cold pack on the affected area after a hot bath.
* Avoid fatty foods and take plenty of salads that include raw vegetables like radish, carrot, lettuce, cucumber, cabbage, potato and tomato.

Exercise the lower back. Some useful exercises recommended by specialists are:

* The Side Stretch.
* The Back Arch.
* The Hamstring Stretch.

* Take proper rest. Get up from your seat, preferably every hour and stretch your muscles.
* Waist cinching elastic back supports push the abdomen and make a natural cushion and protect nerves around the spine.
* If you have a desk job and work on the computer for long hours, make sure that your chair supports the natural curve of your spine and the keyboard is placed in a way that your elbows bend at right angles while typing.

Small things like sitting and standing in a good upright posture and staying clear from lifting heavy objects matter a lot. So do regular exercise and a healthy diet. Make these a part of your daily care and you may be able to keep sciatica at bay.

Article Courtesy Of Native Remedies


Wednesday 11 June 2008

How To Cope With Depression

By The Alternate Medic

Need some tips on coping with depression in a relationship..

Depression is a human condition which possibly affects everybody on the planet at least once in their lifetime. When someone is in a love relationship, the chances of suffering from depression become higher.

As depression is likely to strike all of us at some stage it is important to know different strategies for coping with depression, otherwise the sufferer may end up making fatal decisions in their life. This article focuses on discussing different strategies in the format of tips with the purpose of educating the readers to cope with episodes of depression.

Acquiring Knowledge about Depression

Firstly and most importantly, the thing for coping with depression is to understand the details about depression, its causes and effects, symptoms and treatments. For that purpose, you may either consult with doctors specializing in mental health or you may depend on mental health journals. Apart from that, there are enormous resources available on the net which can offer you plenty of information for depression and different strategies for coping with depression.

How To Discern the Difference between Myth and Reality

Now, the next step for coping with depression is to increase your knowledge about the significant differences among myths and reality concerning depression and its different aspects. Many people believe that depression is not a treatable disease; thus no specific possible treatments exist. Some people simply lable it as an experience of ordinary sadness; however, the fact is totally different. In fact, depression is a complex process and if not diagnosed at early stage, it may get out of hand and even cost lives..

Remember To Value Yourself and Your Unique Presence

In some cases, particularly for women, when we are in a relationship, we simply forget to value our own existence and unique identity by putting our family members first, which results in suffering from inevitable depression from identity confusion and identity distortion. You must retain your own self respect and know how to value your own decision and actions in a rational fashion. Make sure that you set some time aside for yourself, give yourself a reward as an appreciation of your efforts, When coping with depression, you should first look at yourself from a dignified perspective.

Watch Out the Warning Signs

The common behaviors of a depressed person are withdrawn, shy, sullen and angry. Before coping with stress, you should try to identify if the warning signs of depression exist in either you or your partner. Most commonly, a depressed person experiences sudden outbursts of anger. In fact, they actually show their anger to themselves and their own mental state, although they seemingly appear towards the environment.

Seek Help and Treatment

Depression is a real disease and it is absolutely treatable. Similar to other illnesses, depression may get worse day by day if proper treatment has not been administered on time. There are various self-help groups around the world, who offer their unconditional support to the depressed individuals and help them coping with depression. If you are experiencing episodes of depression, it is better that you should visit these self-help groups. Additionally, you may also consult with doctors and mental health practitioners for possible treatments.