Friday 29 February 2008

Natural Cure For Stress - No Need To Read A Manual

So you are stressed out ! Join the club ! If you cannot face ANOTHER Manual on how you can radically manage your stress, then you need a little helping hand to get you through. Nothing wrong with that and while you are taking the natural cure outlined below, you can begin to address things that need changing in a calm rational fashion !

A lot can be done to support healthy, manageable levels of worry and nervous tension. One way of doing this is to keep your mind producing its own natural feel good chemicals by eating lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and whole grain foods, getting plenty of fresh air and sunshine and exercising regularly.

Natural remedies help to promote a balanced demeanor and resolve inner turmoil. These natural stress relief products help provide inner calm for overcoming worry and distress linked to the everyday stresses of our modern existence. The have been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years to support the healthy functioning of the brain and nervous system.

In more recent times, research has confirmed this traditional wisdom. There are now many published clinical studies demonstrating the ability of a range of herbs to support the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system and maintain a healthy equilibrium.

Tuesday 26 February 2008

Herbal Remedies For Your Brain

The factors that influence your brain health are so large that it becomes difficult at times to understand them in a proper perspective. From anxiety to vascular diseases to a brain tumor - all can have a detrimental affect upon how your brain functions. At the same time, the brain uses a lot of energy and oxygen in order to perform its functions properly. Deficiency of even one single nutrient can have an adverse affect on brain functioning.

One of the first signs of brain dysfunction is confusion or loss of mental focus, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), giddiness, impaired vision or depression.

While deciding your diet, your focus should not be to only keep yourself physically fit. The food that you intake has a direct impact upon your brain health. This is mainly because your diet determines whether your brain gets the nutrients that it needs for proper functioning. However, in today’s hectic environment it is not always possible to have a strict control over what one eats. Herbs and supplements that promote mental focus can in a way provide the necessary support.

Ancient Chinese medicine and Ayurveda are completely based on herbs and natural substances. Their efficacy has been proved over time and needs no mention. Many conventional drugs, too, are based on herbs but their application in medicine and treatment of brain disorders has not been explored with the seriousness that they deserve.

Certain herbs like Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng, Aswagandha and Hawthorn have known to have cognitive enhancing properties. They are known to improve concentration as well. Ginkgo Biloba has been used for preventing dementia and Ginseng is also known to work as an antioxidant. Many herbalists suggest a combination of Ginkgo Biloba and Ginseng to aid and increase concentration and increase memory. Valeriana officinalis extract is a standard prescription in many countries for improving concentration.

Vitamins are organic substances that are essential for metabolism. Although they are required in small quantities, we should not assume that diet alone is supplying adequate amounts of these vitamins. Other factors also affect the total amount of vitamin available to the body. Alcohol is known to cause thiamine deficiency. Thiamine is commonly known as vitamin B1 and is responsible for appetite and growth. Its deficiency can lead to avitaminosis and loss of appetite that may severely affect the supply of nutrients to the brain. Vitamin C, on the other hand is an effective antioxidant that prevents brain damage from oxidation.

It is simply a matter of ensuring the consumption of a wholesome diet that provides the necessary ‘food’ for your brain.

Thursday 21 February 2008

A Healthy Throat And Tonsils

The throat is the essential passage through which we take in air, either directly or through the nose. The air that we breathe contains many pollutants (for example, cigarette smoke or environmental pollution) as well as everyday airborne germs that can irritate the immune system and lead to throat problems.

The throat also contains our tonsils, which are two sacs of lymphatic tissue situated at the back of the throat. Tonsils are extremely important in protecting the body, as they are the first real organs to encounter any foreign particles we breathe in. Tonsils also produce antibodies that are essential in helping the immune system to fight off illness and infection.

The tonsils are small, removable organs, and these guards of the body are often removed due to irritation or infection. Doctors today are more aware of the important role of the tonsils in immune functioning, and a tonsillectomy is seen more as a last resort than first course of action, although this is still fairly standard practice for children who suffer from recurring throat and tonsil worries. In these cases, Throat and Tonsil Dr. can provide relief during tonsillectomy recovery.

However, once the tonsils have been removed, children lose a very important line of defense and may be more susceptible to irritants, allergens, and germs. It is therefore important to be sure that there are no other options before agreeing to remove these watchdogs of the body.

The natural way

A lot can be done to support the throat and obtain tonsil health naturally. The throat can be soothed through natural herbal teas, honey in warm water, or lemon-infused water. It is also helpful to avoid smoking and drinking excessive alcohol – both of which are particularly harsh irritants for the throat.

Natural remedies have been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years to support the healthy functioning of the throat and tonsils, while also acting as immune system tonics to encourage the normal and efficient defense against pathogens and routine recovery.

Article Courtesy Of Native Remedies

Wednesday 20 February 2008

Advice For Sore Throats

The best sore throat remedies including drinking plenty of fluids such as tea with honey and gargling daily with warm salt water. Over-the-counter medication such as paracetamol, ibuprofen, or antiseptic gargles will also provide pain and relief from sore throat symptoms, but may cause unwanted side effects.
More severe throat infections may require prescription medication such as antibiotics to suppress the infection. As antibiotics can not only cause unwanted side effects and other complications, but also rob the body of ‘good’ bacteria. It is important to determine whether they are really necessary, and if you do decide to take them, to replenish the good bacteria by eating live culture yogurt.

Sunday 17 February 2008

How To Keep Your Brain Healthy

Tess Thompson

The brain is exposed to a large amount of oxygen that is brought to it by oxygen-laden blood. This very condition exposes it to possible damage by free radicals. Technically, free radicals are atoms or a group of atoms with at least one unpaired electron. In the body, this usually occurs when an oxygen molecule loses its electron. This unstable molecule of oxygen stabilizes only when it can steal an electron from a nearby molecule. Free radicals harm the membranes of cells and the DNA, which contains the basic instructions for cells.

This process of oxidizing always occurs accompanied by reduction. As people age, the free radicals attach to the fatty membranes that cover the brain cells. This is the main phenomenon considered to be responsible for loss of mental focus cognitive abilities and memory. It is also believed to be the major cause of Alzheimer’s disease.

Antioxidants are known to provide a convenient manner in which free radicals can be combated. These free radicals enter our system through various sources. The most common sources are pollution, fried foods, and the natural metabolic process that goes on continuously in the body. Antioxidants are thus the most useful foods that can help in protecting overall brain health

The brain not only consumes 20% of the oxygen in the body, it also consumes nearly one third of the body’s energy, despite its low proportionate weight. While energy levels can be maintained with a diet that contains a correct balance of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, it is not always possible to get a fair amount of vitamins. Vitamin C and E are natural antioxidants, and daily intake of vitamins helps in maintaining a steady level of antioxidants in the body.Herbs that promote mental focus along with foods that are rich in antioxidants, can prolong and even prevent the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and gradual memory loss.

Besides these two vitamins, the value of other vitamins, especially Vitamin B, also deserves mention. There have been studies that show deficiency of Vitamin B6 and B12 can raise levels of homocysteine. Homocysteine is an amino acid that can lead to injury to the lining of blood vessels and enhance blood clotting if present in excess. Separate studies also show that high levels of this amino acid and low intake of Vitamin B increases risk of memory loss and Alzheimer’s disease.

Deficiency of Vitamin B6 leads to difficulties in absorption of Vitamin B12 that may increase deficiency of biotin, which is elemental to growth. Deficiency of Vitamin C can impair the natural metabolic process and hamper absorption of iron intake from food. Sufficient quantities of vitamin B, C, and E are highly recommended for delaying and preventing the onset of dementia. Vitamin deficiency in mothers and in early developmental stages of children can lead to abnormalities in the development of the brain.

The value of eating the right kind of food that supplies enough vitamins cannot be undermined in any case. Ensuring vitamin intake in foods or as supplements makes good sense for long-term benefits for the brain. Their properties of preventing oxidation and aiding absorption of essential minerals are elemental to proper growth and maintenance of brain cells.

Article Courtesy Of Native Remedies

Saturday 16 February 2008

Acne Treatments

The presence or absence of acne is one of the most prominent factors that can affect the self confidence of teenagers. Considering the emphasis that modern society places on good looks, one ugly looking pus spot that makes an appearance early in the morning is enough to spoil the day for your teen.

The fact that acne mostly occurs at puberty points to the fact that it is caused by various hormonal changes that are inevitable during adolescence. The sites where tiny hairs exist on the face or the body are most likely to be affected with acne.

The oil glands associated with these hairs become overly active when the male hormone testosterone acts upon them at puberty. Testosterone is normally present in small quantities in women too. Sometimes the level of this male hormone increases abnormally, causing acne in women.

Article Courtesy Of Native Remedies

Acne is basically an inflammation of the skin. The most common cause of acne is an oily skin that leads to proliferation of bacteria, which the body recognizes as foreign invasion. To combat this, the immune system secretes hormone-like substances known as inflammatory mediators. This is the main indication of a link between the immune system health and acne.

The most common treatment that is used to control and tame acne is Benzoyl peroxide. This is the main ingredient used in most topical creams. This acid (normally 2%) kills bacteria and also dries the skin’s inflammatory pores. Salicylate and glycolic acid and some fruit based acid solutions, available over the counter, help in destroying bacteria and shedding skin so that the bacteria do not get a chance to reproduce.

In severe cases the doctor may have to take recourse to the antibiotic alternative . A variety of tetracycline based drugs and its derivatives are used as a systemic antibiotic treatment. In severe cases of cystic acne or chronic acne that do not respond to antibiotics, a retinoic acid derivative known as isotretinoin can be used. However, this is a restricted drug and should be used only under the supervision of a practicing dermatologist.

Topical creams used to treat acne may dry up the skin and cause irritation. Benzoyl peroxide tends to bleach hair and clothing. Antibiotic treatment on the other hand can interfere with the contraceptive pill and tetracycline. Howsoever rare it may be it can also lead to severe headaches at times.

Even though acne is likely to disappear as teens grow into adults, it may leave some disturbing scars. The best case scenario is to start treatment as soon as you see the first pimple on your teen. Bacteria grow faster after the initial invasion. Early treatment can reduce bacteria multiplication and nip it in the bud.

Acne is a condition
that can be potentially caused by various internal and external reasons like a stress factor, hormonal changes, bacteria and infection. Herbs for immune system can effectively strengthen the automatic responses of the body when there is an excess production of hormones and therefore can help in prevention of acne. In addition, herbal antibiotics such as aloe, garlic and grapefruit provide an effective protection against bacteria.

Sunday 10 February 2008

How Do I Cure Premature Ejaculation?

Some people, especially men, may avoid sex due to fear of failure or feelings of inadequacy. Perhaps there have been occasions where they have been unable to achieve or maintain an erection and they are afraid that it will happen again. It may be more comfortable to pretend not to need sex than to face the problem and have to admit to something which makes them feel embarrassed and inadequate. If this is happening, it is important to encourage your partner to go for help if the problem persists, but it is equally important not to pressurize him about it or to assume responsibility for doing something about it. Encourage and support him and do not imply that he is less of a man. This is a difficult problem which needs to be handled sensitively, but which often responds very well to treatment.
Article Courtesy Of Native Remedies

Monday 4 February 2008

The 5 Factor Diet

No need for a diet coach if you adopt the 5 Factor Diet.

The 5 Factor Diet has hit Hollywood by storm! Harley Pasternak claims that he has done research on the five factors and everything in the diet contains the magic number 5 !

So, guess what, you have 5 small meals a day. They only take 5 minutes to prepare or 5 minutes to cook. What are the five ingredients - protein, carbohydrates, fat, fluids and fibre !! Then there is the exercise regime--- obviously 5 minutes a day and you do five exercises !

You are allowed a cheat day as well when you can eat anything you want. Jessica Simpson swears by this diet.

Friday 1 February 2008

Can Acupuncture Cure Sciatica?

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is based on positive and negative energies generated by food intake, environment and lifestyles. Acupuncture is one of its mainstays for sciatica nerve treatment. Despite its popularity and effectiveness in many cases, acupuncture has not undergone much scrutiny from the researchers. There are many stories that tell us about the immediate relief and permanent cure that acupuncture is capable of. The fact is that success stories get advertised while incidents where acupuncture failed to treat do not get published unless there is an unfortunate happening. Like all alternative treatments, acupuncture too does not have the backing of drug companies as there is nothing in it for them.

Conventional medicine believes that sciatica can be caused by one or more of the following reasons:

* A compression of the sciatic nerve that exits from the base of the spine.
* Compression of the sciatic nerve due to a slipped disc due to trauma or a natural process.
* Degenerative disc disease.
* The narrowing of the spinal cord due to the natural ageing process.
* Improper postures.
* A pinched nerve due to trauma or inflammation in the piriformis muscle, a condition often termed as pseudo sciatica.

There may be some other reasons for sciatica but TCM, classifies sciatica pains based on different parameters. The three kinds of sciatica pain that TCM identifies are:

* Sciatica pain that gets aggravated by cold or damp weather.
* Sciatica pain that is worse in the evening and better in the morning but aggravated by fatigue.
* Sciatica pain that is worse in the morning but aggravated by sitting still.

These parameters are used to identify the organs in the body that have been affected by negative energies and the meridians related with them are earmarked. For example, meridians between the lower back to heels are indicated when the pain is aggravated due to a damp or cold weather. Similarly, where the pain is worse in the evening and aggravated due to fatigue, a deficiency in liver or kidney function is indicated. If the pain is worse in the morning, an acupuncture expert looks at reasons related to stagnation of blood due to trauma, postural problems or something structural that is pinching or irritating the sciatic nerve.

This understanding helps the expert to identify the exact pressure points that need to be worked upon. The expert may insert sharp needles (sterilized, of course) along the path of the pain to unblock energy (Qi). This process is believed to spread out the external pathogen and activate Qi energy to eliminate pain. The specialist may also advise application of heat on the meridian points, exercise and herbs as part of the overall sciatica alternative remedies.

It is a matter of personal preferences whether to look towards acupuncture or stick to conventional drugs that have to be taken with care due to their notorious side effects. Some of the other sciatica alternative remedies like exercise, homeopathy, yogic postures and herbs are equally effective and deserve consideration. This is especially important because sciatica treatment can prove to be a lifelong process at times.

Sciatica may be a symptom and not a disease, but the pain is excruciating and may result in immobilization of the patient. The condition requires effective pain management. Natural modes of pain relief are indeed better than a prolonged use of pain relieving drugs.

Article Courtesy Of Native Remedies