Thursday 31 January 2008

An Alternative To Ritalin For ADHD

by Tess Thompson

With the incidence of attention deficit disorder increasing many people resort to various drugs the ADD treatment. The irony of the situation is that there is no fool-proof method of diagnosing ADD, and many a times there are normal children who have been diagnosed and stamped as ADD and being given child ADHD treatment while they may be normal children with maybe a slightly higher need for attention or slightly hyperactive.

With such children and those that genuinely suffer from an attention deficit disorder, most physicians use drugs like Ritalin and Prozac or Zoloft. These medicines only serve to reduce the symptoms of ADD for a certain period of time and have numerous side effects that are harmful in the short and the long term. The dangerous side effects of Ritalin that have been observed include possible seizures, suppression of growth, angina, blood pressure fluctuations, insomnia, loss of appetite, headaches and much more.

Studies have actually shown that ADD children whose treatment includes stimulant drugs like Ritalin are at a higher risk to get into vandalism, crime, alcoholism and abusive substances. To add to it, the fact that it does not seem to have been proved that drugs like Ritalin can actually cure ADD. Dr. Robert Mendelsohn once said “No one has ever been able to demonstrate that drugs such as Cylert and Ritalin® improve the academic performance of the children who take them.... The pupil is drugged to make life easier for his teacher, not to make it better and more productive for the child."

There are many lawsuits that have been filed against various parties like the American Psychiatric Association, CHADD and Ciba/Novartis Pharmaceuticals. The Ritalin manufacturers are being charged with conspiring to promote the diagnosis of ADD to promote their drug. And since the diagnosis is not totally objective, the case has been a complicated one.

Parents come under the pressure of school psychologists, medical practitioners, teachers and social workers to use these drugs without any detailed understanding of the process of diagnosing the condition, effects of the drugs, alternate therapies possible and the role of nutrition and diet.

It may be a good time to mention that parents should take things in their own hands and try and obtain a greater understanding of the problem before blindly administering drugs to alleviate symptoms. An herbal remedy for ADD, homeopathic treatment, diet control and nutrition, supplements are among the various options that you can consider and evaluate.


Monday 28 January 2008

Alzheimers Helmet

Researchers in UK have found what could be the solution to Alzheimers disease and dementia.

Pioneering research at the University of Sunderland has shown that regular exposure to safe low level infra-red light can improve learning performance and kick-start the cognitive function of the brain.

The results are a scientific breakthrough as to date medical treatments for dementia can only slow down brain deterioration and now human trials are to start to see if the treatment could provide a cure to illnesses like Alzheimer's.

The low levels of infra-red light used are completely safe and occur naturally in sunlight. They are currently being used in innovative new machines for the treatment of cold sores, which have been approved for NHS prescription.

Experts claim that early stage dementia patients should see an improvement in their cognitive function within four weeks, by wearing a lightweight helmet in their home for just ten minutes a day.

Human testing of the ground-breaking infra-red treatment on the brain is due to start this summer and medical experts hope this will halt and even reverse the effects of dementia.

Source :-


Tuesday 22 January 2008

Cure Candida Holistically

Believe it or not over 75% of the adult population suffer from Candida infections (Yeast infections).
Is there a treatment which will treat the CAUSE so that these irritating symptoms will not recur? You may want to consider a treatment regime which will free you for ever of all the annoying symptoms and lead to a better healthier life. If you want to have healthy skin, boost your energy levels, protect your immune system and get rid of food cravings, then consider the link below as this could change your life!

Read the full article I wrote here

Natural Cure For Candida

Monday 21 January 2008

Build Muscle Mass Quickly

How do you build muscle mass quickly? This is how famous bodybuilders such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lee Priest and Jay Cutler do it. They all started competing when they were teenagers. Bodybuilders seek out low-glycemic polysaccharides and other slowly-digesting carbohydrates, which release energy in a more stable fashion than high-glycemic sugars and starches. Bodybuilders exist on a diet of protein to develop muscle, and have a skinny supermodel's aversion to fat. Bodybuilders split their food intake for the day into 5 to 7 meals of roughly equal nutritional content and attempt to eat at regular intervals (normally between 2 and 3 hours). Aspiring bodybuilders therefore should design their training programs to allow time for recovery and growth. Bodybuilders perform a lot of isolation movements, or exercises that work only one muscle or group of muscles at a time.

Here Is A Great Product To HELP YOU

Saturday 19 January 2008

Bad Breath Solutions

By Patricia Harbington

For people that suffer from halitosis, the quest for a bad breath solution that actually works is a never-ending one. They are constantly on the outlook for a new solution that will forever eliminate the acute embarrassment that they suffer from every time they open their mouths to speak to someone.

What most people don't realize is that are lots of effective solutions available, including a number of very efficient natural cures for bad breath. But the first step in locating a successful bad breath solution is to understand the root cause of the halitosis, and most people have no idea what is causing their bad breath because they are confused by all of the myths surrounding it. So let's look at some of these myths and clear up some of this confusion.

Contrary to popular belief, you cannot smell your own breath. Blowing into your cupped hands and taking a whiff is pretty much useless because your nose and your mouth are all interconnected and your breath, regardless of how bad it smells to others, smells completely normal to your nose.

Halitosis is not something that can be passed down through DNA, so you can stop blaming your parents for your bad breath. While it is possible to inherit a genetic predisposition towards odor-causing bacteria, it is physically impossible to inherit halitosis.

One common misconception about bad breath is that it originates in your stomach. While this true for those suffering from digestive halitosis, it is not the case for most people. That's because digestive halitosis, resulting from problematic digestive stomach enzymes, is a relatively uncommon condition. For most people, bad breath is the result of odor-causing bacteria that has built up in the back of the throat and on the tongue.

Many people believe that mouthwash, gum and breath mints are all effective bad breath solutions, but that is simply not true. All that they really do is mask the nasty odor for a little while. Mouthwashes are actually counter-productive because they contain alcohol which dries out your mouth, causing the bacteria to flourish and produce even fouler smelling breath.

Many people believe that eating certain foods like garlic, onions, and strong cheese are what causes bad breath. Technically, that is not true either. It is the particles from these foods that linger in your mouth, stimulating all of the odor-causing bacteria that really make your breath stink. So, popping a mint does not help. You need to remove these food particles if you want eliminate the foul odors they cause.

One bizarre myth is that probiotics and hydrogen peroxide can clear up Not true! Neither one of these can cure bad breath, and regular use of hydrogen peroxide can significantly damage the tissue in your mouth. Do yourself a favor and try a more natural cure for bad breath instead of a toxin like peroxide.

So keep in mind that not everything you hear about getting rid of halitosis is true. There are many safe, effective bad breath solutions out there, you just need to do your homework and be able to separate fact from fiction in order to find one.

About the Author:

Friday 18 January 2008

Prostate Cancer In Men

Worried about prostate cancer ? Or just simply worried about prostate health? Soon, you could get your hands on a self diagnostic kit for just about $300 and do it yourself ! This has been developed by researchers at the Wake Forest University.

This raises several questions. Could this screening lead to all sorts of problems? Very often prostate cancer grows so slowly that it is better left in situ. Surgery sometimes leads to problems of incontinence and or impotence. However this test will not tell whether men have a more aggressive cancer. Factors which determine a man's chances of getting cancer are family history but also the combinations of minor variations in some regions of the DNA.

Too much screening leading to too much treatment ? This is just one of the problems facing urologists. On the other hand, early screening in younger men (say around 35) could lead to more careful screening in later life and avoid many of the problems that men over 50 now face.


Monday 14 January 2008

ADHD Parenting Tips

By Alvin Toh

Parenting can be very stressful for anybody, even with children not suffering from ADHD. Children suffering from ADHD have a much shorter attention span than other children and also get angry much easier.

Parenting through these difficulties will help raise a happy, healthy child. Here are 9 ADHD parenting tips to help you cope with and support your ADHD child.

1. Set down clear rules for your child to follow. These should be consistent. Do not change the rules as this can be very confusing. Make sure both parents use the same rules.

2. Establish routines. All children thrive when they follow a routine but this is especially true of ADHD children. Be strict about the times that things take place but be aware of the fact that your child may have a short attention span. Limit the time children can watch television, play video games or listen to music. Sticking to these rules allows time for the children to think on their own and to use their creativity.

3. Assign weekly or daily chores. Use a chart to keep track of progress. Children love to get a gold star when they complete a task. For ADHD children, this can be a great ego boost. Be sure to explain exactly how to complete the task and even demonstrate it to them yourself.

4. You need to prioritize. Make sure all of the important things get done. If your child doesn't do something unimportant then don't get too worked up about it

5. Time management - Many children with ADHD struggle to manage their time. You should teach them how to do this. For older children, you may want to consider using electronic organizers or planners.

6. Break large tasks into smaller pieces. ADHD children may struggle to stay focused on one large specific task. By breaking it down into smaller ones, you can make the task less frustrating for you and your child.

7. Patience is a virtue. Raising ADHD children requires lots of patience. Don't get overwhelmed when certain tasks aren't completed, just make sure you reward them when a job is completed.

8. Communicate with your child. One of the best ways to help ADHD children is to spend time with them. Set aside some time each day to talk to your child and get to know him. Help him to learn to communicate well with others and to know that he can come to you with any problems.

9. Be a good role model to your child. This is one of the biggest factors that will determine the outcome of your child as an adult. Although it may not seem like it, your child watches you and strives to be like you.

About the Author:


Sunday 13 January 2008

Treadmills - What To Look For

By Chloe Adisson

Before buying a treadmill, it is best to do some research. The price of the treadmill equipment is no joke. Don't get easily hooked by sales hype. Compare treadmill prices first and check on how useful the features are to you.

A good buy is between $500 and $3000 price range. Usually the difference between these items lies on the motor power, inclination, speed, and even size. If you are planning to buy one for home use, some treadmills can even go lower.

When we talk about treadmills, we're talking about several brands and several models. You might want to compare treadmill models of one manufacturer or brand. Check the prices. Then check the parts. Then check the features and accessories.

Treadmills are known to be the ideal workout machine for cardio vascular exercises and weight loss. Regardless of price and other fancy features, when you compare treadmill models to buy, it must support these basic needs.

Make sure you know what you want in a treadmill. Especially if you are conscious about your budget, make sure you compare treadmill features according to the standards you want. Here are some tips for you.

- Minimum Horsepower - The treadmill's motor is the heart of the entire equipment and is the most expensive part. To get your money's worth start looking for treadmills at 2.0 horsepower. Anything lower than that may not be a good investment.

- The Function and Usability of the Treadmill - In fairness, all treadmills are useful. What sets the difference is the degree of use and purpose. If you're only using it for home use, then buy the cheaper ones. But make sure you got all the functions and usability accordingly.

- Reviews of Consumers - This is a really good source to compare treadmill prices, pros and cons. The users know best. Browse through web pages and take some time to note some important recommendations from other customers.

- Top Brands - There are brands that may be popular but not all are expensive. In the same way as how you make comparisons with consumer reviews, do the same for different brands.

- Fancy Gadgets and Add-Ons - In most treadmill marketing and sales hype, these are the items that are brought into the picture. Some of these things are essential items for your workout but not all. So compare treadmill gadgets as well as these can be expensive too.

- Size of Treadmill - Because space optimization is important, it is wise to consider how much space you have for your treadmill. With this, you will be able to decide better on which folding models to choose.

- Warranty - This is also very important. In fact, you can size up the quality of the treadmill based on the warranty offered by its manufacturer. The motor's warranty should be at least 5 years. The frame, at least 2 years.

Check out as many stores as possible. Do not hop in and buy the first treadmill you see immediately. There are still other things to consider such as safety, speed, and more. Compare treadmill equipment carefully like how you choose cars.

About the Author:

Friday 11 January 2008

Acne And Saunas

By Amy Nutt

Acne is one of the most trying problems in a teenager's life, and they will often do whatever it takes to clear their face of the red bumps. There are a lot of acne treatments out there, but there are only a few that actually work. One acne solution that has been recommended on more than one occasion is sitting in a sauna for twenty or thirty minutes a day. This treatment has been pretty controversial over the years, with half of the acne sufferers saying that saunas make their acne worse, and the other half saying that they couldn't live without weekly trips to the sauna.

Acne is caused by dead skin cells that get trapped in the skin follicles, and sitting in a hot sauna is supposed to open up those skin follicles and allow the body to sweat out all of the acne causing debris. However, this doesn't always work like it is supposed to. Often times, once the skin has cooled, there is still sweat trapped in the follicles, and this makes the skin break out even more. If you want go to the sauna a few times a week, make sure you wash your face with a gentle cleanser to get rid of that sweat before it gets trapped in your skin follicles and becomes a problem.

Some acne sufferers still complain that their condition worsens after sauna use, even after carefully washing their faces afterwards. What these and a lot of other people don't know is that there are two different kinds of saunas. There are some people who find success with the well known steam sauna, but for those who find that the steam just makes things worse, the newer, infrared heat sauna may be the cure they are looking for.

Steam saunas basically heat up your body by raising the room temperature with steam and heat. This can make the sauna a little unbearable, and many people can barely take too much of it at one sitting. The infrared sauna uses the tested and proven safe infrared heat rays that penetrate the body without the unbearable temperatures of the conventional steam sauna. Do not confuse infrared heat rays with ultra violet rays. The infrared heat is one hundred percent safe for your body, and it is also very beneficial to your health in more ways than one.

The infrared heat works wonders for your skin, and just a few minutes, a few times a week will help to clear up your acne. The infrared heat will also minimize scarring that can be left on your face from acne. Saunas can definitely help clear up your acne; but you have to make sure you go to right kind of sauna! Also, always remember to wash your face with a gentle cleanser after any sauna time. Even when you choose to go to a sauna that uses infrared heat, it will not do you any good unless you wash your face afterwards.

About the Author:

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Watch the video, read the article and get the Lamp !

The Desktop Light Therapy Box.

Tuesday 8 January 2008

Bright Light Therapy

The Desktop Light Therapy Box.

Do you suffer from jet lag or Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)? Are you one of 35 million Americans who suffer from SAD which is all to do with a lack of sunshine? Are you depressed, tired and irritable as a result and does your nearest and dearest have to put it with you (but for how long ??) Bright light therapy is a safe, drug free way to counteract the effects of jet lag, work fatigue and SAD.

Just 30 minutes of exposure to 5,000 lux of daylight spectrum light from this slim box can block the release of melatonin, a sleep hormone. With less melatonin, people find they have increased energy levels and alertness. The light's small 5 1/2" x 3" footprint allows it to fit easily on work surfaces, unlike previous generations that take up significant desktop space. The light uses a special 36-watt bulb rated for 10,000 hours, electronic ballast to ensure buzz-free operation, and flicker elimination technology that prevents electromagnetic fields. Plugs into AC. 12" H x 5 1/2" W x 3" D. (3 1/2 lbs.).

The Desktop Light Therapy Box.

Live 14 Years Longer

New research now definitely shows that when you stop smoking, exercise moderately, drink moderately and have the famous 5 fruit and veg a day, them you will live 14 years longer than all those people who don't!

20,000 healthy British men and women were questioned about their lifestyles. They regularly tested their blood for Vitamin C which indicated whether they were eating fruit and vegetables.

The lifestyle change with the biggest benefit was giving up smoking, which led to an 80 percent improvement in health, the study found. This was followed by eating fruits and vegetables.

Moderate drinking and doing regular exercise were also beneficial.

"Armed with this information, public-health officials should now be in a better position to encourage behavior changes likely to improve the health of middle-aged and older people," the researchers wrote.


Sunday 6 January 2008

Heart Attacks

Imagine if you were in hospital and you had a heart attack, you would think that you were in pretty good hands, wouldn't you ?? Well, the bad news is that according to the New England Journal of Medicine, hospital staffs do not respond quickly enough, which increases the risk of brain damage and death, and may contribute to the deaths of thousands of Americans every year. This occurs in about 30% of cases in the USA.

The problem is that you need a defibrillator and you need it quick if you have a heart attack - so quick that it has to be within TWO minutes - that way you have a 40% chance of surviving.

But very often in hospitals, especially at weekends and at night, staff will not get to the patient that quickly!

The New England Medical Journal study which looked at 6,789 cardiac arrest cases at 369 hospitals, showed that hospital staffs took longer than two minutes nearly one-third of the time.

But defibrillators are easily available at airports and other places and the chances of surviving a heart attack there in those awfully crowded places are higher than in a hospital !

The report recommends that staff at hospitals should be familiar with the emergency drill so that they can act real fast and also that the equipment there should be kept up to-date.


Thursday 3 January 2008

Causes Of ADHD

A humorous look at ADHD but GET THE FACTS HERE!