Wednesday 29 August 2007

Gain Muscle Mass And Lose Body Fat

To-day we are going to find out about bodybuilding, muscles, gaining massive muscle mass, burning off body fat and bodybuilding without drugs.

How Do Famous Bodybuilders Build Muscle Mass So Quickly?

Bodybuilders such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lee Priest and Jay Cutler all started competing when they were teenagers. Bodybuilders seek out low-glycemic polysaccharides and other slowly-digesting carbohydrates, which release energy in a more stable fashion than high-glycemic sugars and starches. Bodybuilders exist on a diet of protein to develop muscle, and have a skinny supermodel's aversion to fat. Bodybuilders split their food intake for the day into 5 to 7 meals of roughly equal nutritional content and attempt to eat at regular intervals (normally between 2 and 3 hours). Aspiring bodybuilders therefore should design their training programs to allow time for recovery and growth. Bodybuilders perform a lot of isolation movements, or exercises that work only one muscle or group of muscles at a time.

Avoid Overtraining

Training at a high intensity too frequently also stimulates the central nervous system (CNS) and can result in a hyper-adrenergic state that interferes with sleep patterns. Training three or four time a week is more than enough. Training does not only include strength training, but also, a healthy diet must also be observed. Training is a key concept, but it is almost useless without proper nutrition and adequate rest. Training only occasionally will not involve any mass gain or give the body energy to deal with the rigors of training and recovery. To avoid overtraining, intense frequent training must be met with at least an equal amount of purposeful recovery.

Home Or At The Gym ?

The great thing about bodybuilding is that you can do it with very basic equipment while training only a few hours each week. Natural bodybuilding without drugs is all about achieving your body’s maximum potential without using steroids or other growth enhancing drugs. As I've mentioned before, the thing I find interesting about bodybuilding is the combination of components and discipline. You can join the program below to give you fast results in getting ripped fast.

If you want to build muscle mass quickly:-

Gaining Muscle Mass

Many people start out on a bodybuilding program without ever asking a few vital questions ! Here are one or two of them !

What Is Muscle Made Of ?

Muscle is the tissue of the body which primarily functions as a source of power. Muscles grow when muscle fibres are damaged and repair themselves following a workout. Muscles will only grow in size when they have fully recovered from the gym workout, then, and only then will muscle growth happen. Muscles need time to heal, once a week for directly hitting a muscle is fine. Muscular development can only happen in the presence of ample amino acids and the only source for amino acids is dietary protein. Protein is not just meat and there are many sources of protein but carbohydrates give the body energy to deal with the rigors of training and recovery.

What Does Bodybuilding Involve ?

Bodybuilding is not only a sport but it is also a great learning experience. The thing I find interesting about bodybuilding is the combination of components and discipline. Bodybuilding is the act of putting on muscle by working out and shaping one's diet to put on more muscle mass. As you gain in confidence and experience you will achieve greater muscle mass and have no trouble in burning off body fat. Bodybuilding is not a project that you work hard on for a set amount of time, finish, and then sit back and admire. It is an ongoing, lifelong process filled with ups and downs, triumphs and setbacks, peaks and recessions. There are many programs available to help you build muscle mass quickly but first let us look at what bodybuilding involves and what you need to know before you get ripped fast.

If you want to build muscle mass quickly:-

Sunday 26 August 2007

Love Your Back - Sciatica Explained

Love Your Back- Sciatica explained.
Sciatica is a set of symptoms rather than a diagnosis in itself. To-day we are looking at what exactly sciatica pain is although it is often confused with other medical conditions and sometimes even used as an umbrella term for anything else that is not easily diagnosed! Sciatica is a set of symptoms rather than a diagnosis in itself. Sometimes sciatica pain can be confused with other serious medical conditions such as a tumour or infection so a careful diagnosis is always important. This article will outline some basic facts about sciatica and point to sciatica home remedies.

What Causes Sciatica?

Basically it is severe acute pain in the lower back or it can be constant back pain radiating from the lumbar region of the back. The pain is caused by pressure or irritation of one or more nerves exiting the lower spine that make up the sciatic nerve. There are many medical conditions that can cause this, for example, a spinal disc has moved out of its original position and can therefore irritate the nerve root in the lower back which is joined to the sciatic nerve. Pain can be acute- lasting less than a month. Chronic pain will usually last longer than six months- the percentage is between 1-5% of all lower back pain cases.

Pain can be felt along all or part of the course of the sciatic nerve which runs from the lower back, through the buttock into the calf and even into the foot.

Sedentary lifestyle, weak back and stomach muscles are usually causes of sciatica. Obesity will put an enormous strain on the spine and therefore increase pressure on the vertebrae.

If you want to get rid of sciatica and find a natural remedy, try visiting the site :-

Saturday 25 August 2007

Sciatica Home Remedies

How Is Sciatica Normally Cured?

Spinal manipulation, massage therapy and physical therapy are all possible solutions and are sometimes recommended before considering surgery. Anti inflammatory drugs and surgery are solutions which may or may not cure the condition.

Sciatica Home Remedies

What is the remedy for this condition and what can be helpful instead of going down the path to drugs and surgery?

Many doctors recommend bed rest but exercise is usually much better in the long term for healing this condition. Some patients like to rest for a few days after an acute attack but if inactivity continues, this may make the pain worse. It is essential to understand that if the back muscles become weak and flabby from lack of exercise, then they will be less able to support the back.
Weak muscles here will cause more back pain than before and will increase the chances of injury due to sudden movement.

Exercising the lower back area and postural stretching can be enormously beneficial. Careful attention needs to be paid to posture and body mechanics to get the maximum benefit from the exercises. Postural stretching should ideally be done done twice a day and under supervision of a trainer or instructor.

Overall, sciatica sufferers can avoid a lot of agonising back pain by maintaining a support for the back while sitting (avoiding sprawling on a couch!) and maintaining good posture, avoiding standing for long periods of time and using safe techniques for lifting heavy objects. Caring for your back should be an essential part of your daily routine. You can find out more about natural remedies and an alternative cure for sciatica by looking at the link below this article.

Friday 24 August 2007

How To Lose Unwanted Weight

With social and career success being firmly rooted in modern life, physical appearance is more important than ever. The popular image of a successful person seems to be built around fitness in both the physical and moral aspects, a sort of a physical and moral correctness. Therefore many people are interested in getting themselves in shape, especially after a winter of eating heavier food at the expense of fresh vegetables at fruits. Get rid of excess weight by acting now!

The first thing to do when trying to get rid of the excess weight is to take a look at your diet. This is the first step on your journey. Are you relying heavily on chips, soda and fast food to make it through the day? Are you eating enough vegetables and fruits? While hamburgers, fries and soda is a tasty and satisfying combination, it is also a deadly proposition to your health. If you want to stay fit, you must quit eating high-powered food that provides too much energy.

Your body doesn’t like to waste things it can use later on and energy is one of the most important things that can be stored. Eating hamburgers and chips while leading a largely sedentary lifestyle gives your body much more energy than it normally uses. This energy is not thrown away, but converted to fat and put into storage. Therefore, you must cut down on this type of food and turn to the humbler fruits and vegetables to keep hunger in check without putting your health at risk.

The second part of the system is exercising. While a sound diet makes sure your body doesn’t get more energy than it needs, exercising is here to help use up energy already stored. Taking brisk walks after meals is OK, exercising half an hour per day is good, going to a gym for an hour or so five days a week is perfect. There’s no need to starve or exhaust yourself. Diet and exercising can be fun with a bit of thinking and a positive attitude.

If you need more help and advice, there is a great weight loss system just for you :-

Thursday 23 August 2007

Avoid These Bad Foods!

In this day and age of heart disease, we all need to be careful. Did you know that 50% of men will die from heart disease? It is sad, but true. It is important that you watch what you eat. Not only if you are a body builder, but even if you aren't one. All of us should be concerned about our diet and our health. Take some notes and make sure that you pay attention. I'm sure there will be a few items on this list that you never dreamed were bad for you.. Solid oils. You know what these are. Stuff like Crisco and other shortening.
I think that some people use them in place of lard and actually think it is better for them. If you are making a pie crust or something, skip the shortening and use the lard. Actually, the lard is better for you. People tend to use this kind of fat because it has a long shelf life. This stuff will stay good for ever. Personally, I hate the stuff. I can't see why anyone would like it. I think it tastes awful and it feels awful in my mouth.
Deep fried foods. You should avoid these like the plague. It is said that when something is deep fried, its DNA changes. I don't know how true this is. I do know that deep fried foods have been linked to cancer.

Refined flour and store bought flour. This has been bleached and everything under the sun done to it. When this happens, all the good stuff from it is taken away. The reason why you are eating is, is been stolen from you. Stick with good whole wheat. That is what is best for you.

White rice. I would piss off most of the world if I said that you should never ever eat this stuff. Though, I have to say that brown rice is better for you. Brown rice has all the stuff white does and more. You can mix brown with white if you still aren't used to eating the brown rice.

Sugar. This is a no brainer really. You should try to consume as little as you possibly have to. Also, fructose is a building block for cholesterol. Keep that in mind when you have your next can of soda.

Canned soups. These are almost always loaded with salt. If you want to buy these, make sure you get ones that are low in salt. If you have a craving for soup, see if your local deli makes soup. It will be lower in salt. That will make your heart happy.

Alfredo sauces. Don't buy items with already made Alfredo sauce. Usually they are loaded with butter and salt. You don't want any of that.

Processed meats. These tend to be high in fat and high in salt. They are a heart attack in a can.

Hydrogenated palm oils. Avoid anything that is made with these. These will give you a heart attack faster than eating a bucket of lard.

Lunchables and other items like them. They are loaded with salt and fat. I can't believe any parent would give this junk to their kids.

Remember that fruit and vegetables are your best bet. for more information on weight loss
click on the link here:-

Wednesday 22 August 2007

Stop Binge Eating

All of this time we have talked about what to eat and what not to eat. Though, that is only part of the solution to a good diet. There is something that we also need to talk about. What we haven't talked about is eating habits. When you should and shouldn't eat. That is as important as what you eat. Why is it important? It is important because you don't want to binge eat. You don't want to eat a whole bunch of food at one time. This isn't good for you. Does this sound like you? You skip breakfast because you are running late for work. You have a bunch of work that has been piling up, so you skip lunch. Instead you have a cup of coffee and some snack crackers. You go home and you eat enough for three meals. You are so hungry you could eat a live pig. You eat so much that you don't think you will be able to walk for a week. You go watch some television and you fall asleep while watching it.

Is this the same as eating three good meals each day? Eating one meal that is the same amount of food as three? No it isn't. It isn't because of the way that the body digests the food. All day long you have starved your body of what it needs, it can't handle everything at once. All you are doing is over loading your body. The real risk of bingeing is this. You will end up eating things that you shouldn't be eating. You will end up eating a ton of fast food or other food that is high and fat and easy to obtain. Why is this?

This is because you are so hungry, you have to eat something now. This tends to be whatever you can get your hands on. Generally, it will be something that isn't good for you. This is why it is important that you eat all three of your meals. You can snack in between those meals too. You want to make sure though that your snacks are healthy ones. Did you know that most doctors say that snacking is good for you? It gives you some energy when you are feeling like you are running on empty.

The key thing to remember is to eat healthy snacks. Eat things that make your feel good, not things that are loaded with fat. Things that are loaded with fat will only make you feel drained and make you want to snack more. If you are having problems eating three meals a day, you really need to work on your diet. This is because you don't want to binge eat. Binge eating will only hurt you in the long run. Don't believe me? Look at it like this. You know what will happen if you don't eat all day long. You will get hungry and you will get the shakes. If you start to get the shakes you will go for whatever that you can to make it stop.

Here is what I do to help me eat three meals a day.

I start off by making my lunch before I go to bed. I do this because I won't do it when I wake up in the morning. I try my best just to get my clothes on and get out the door in good time so I am not late for work. I also pack some snacks for me to eat at work. I might put some veggie sticks and some fruit in little plastic bags. I love to eat these as snacks while I am at work.

When it comes to breakfast, I try to think in advance what I want to eat. I will have all of the things that I need on hand incase I decide that I want something different. Will I want an omlet? I always have some cut veggies in the ice box incase I do. That way all I have to do is throw them in the pan and cook away. It takes the same amount of time to cook that as it would to cook anything else. I do the same with dinner. I will try to prepare whatever I can the day before. This way if I am too tired, all I have to do is put the stuff together. I might also make dinner while I am making my lunch.

What do you mean make my dinner before I go to bed? Well, don't have a cow. What I will do is prepare all of the things that I need in advance. I do this when I am using the crock pot. I just put the stuff in the crock pot in the morning before I go to work. I set it and then I head off to work. When I get home, I have a hot meal waiting for me. I can time it so that almost right after I walk in the door I have something hot to eat. Try it, you will be amazed.
Eating three meals a day isn't that hard. If you put your mind into it, you can do it fairly easily. All you have to do is be prepared. If you feel that you can't do it, buy one of those event planners. Make a schedule for everything that you want to do.

If you need more help on controlling your binge eating click on the link below for a great product:-

Tuesday 21 August 2007

Stop Food Cravings

Are you trying to get rid of food cravings and having no luck? Do you snack more times in the day than is good for you ? Would you like to reduce the amount of food you eat during your meals? Why do you have to go on a strict diet and spoil all the fun ?

Here are some tips to help tame your appetite:-

1. Always keep a glass of water handy. I find that if I wake up at night and am heading for the fridge, a glass of water placed strategically helps to stop me in my tracks !

2. I try to eat fruit before a main meal - let us say about half an hour beforehand. This helps to fill you up.

3. Brush your teeth straight after eating- this helps you to stop snacking afterwards- i.e. having a piece of chocolate. The minty taste of toothpaste seems to reduce my food cravings.

All the gurus tell you to eat slowly- well so slowly in fact that they say it takes about twenty minutes for the stomach to tell your brain that it is full! Imagine waiting 20 minutes between one helping and another ! As this is hardly practical, I would just suggest you eat slowly.

5. Everybody tells us that we should NOT be doing another activity while we are eating. Why ?
Because apparently eating in the car or while watching TV distracts us so that we tend to eat more than if we were just giving all our attention to eating.

If you want to really get to grips with a guaranteed diet and get rid of these food cravings, visit this site :-

Monday 20 August 2007

Facts On Fat Loss

Do you cringe when you think about the hundreds of dollars you've wasted on useless weight loss supplements?The vast majority of people who start diets never even achieve their goals , i.e. they end up putting the weight back on ! After all that effort. In a recent review by the American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition did a survey and found that Americans gained back 80% of the weight within 5 years!

First read the facts on body fat loss and then decide what to do ! Help is at hand!

Excess body fat is linked to major physical threats like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, gall bladder disease, gastro-intestinal disease, sexual dysfunction, osteoarthritiis, and stroke. That is a pretty alarming list! Add to that it also looks ugly and this makes you very frustrated in your daily life and it can reduce your confidence level. This excess body fat is strictly dead weight! It also leads to a shorter life span. Excess body fat is not the cause of cellulite but excess fat does make getting rid of cellulite a lot harder than it would be if the excess fat was not there.

We all know that diet and exercise are the answers to our little problem. But get this, did you know that if you ONLY diet without any exercise program then there is a risk that you will lose vital muscle content as your weight decreases. And it is not just reducing fat intake that causes excess body fat. In a recent study patients who lost 54 percent of their excess body weight (by following a specialized high-protein diet) showed considerable improvement in their liver function (which is quite interesting since many still believe that high-protein diets harm the liver). Consume high-quality dietary fibre: Enhance liver health with fibre, which binds to bile and eliminates fat-soluble toxins from the body. Aerobic exercise in conjunction with strength training and a proper diet will reduce body fat.

If you want to find out a few secrets from a top Australian trainer on stopping excess body fat click here:-

Saturday 18 August 2007

Reduce Underarm Sweating

Reduce Underarm Sweating

A person who sweats excessively knows that sweating need not be limited to underarm sweating alone. Underarm sweating however is the most common form of sweating and the one which most of us tends to focus on, even if we suffer from excessive sweating of other areas on the body. Most people are already very conscious of any type of armpit sweating be it excessive or normal, and will go to any lengths to cover up or prevent any signs that they are sweating. Although admittedly it is more of a hindrance to the daily lifestyle of a person to have excessive sweating than otherwise, these can both, be a problem. This is especially true if you suffer from either excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis), or anihidrosis (a lack of sweating).

What Can I Do To Stop Sweating?

You may want to try an Aluminium Chloride Solution (there are various brands available – just ask your chemist). This solution works by altering the sweat producing cells in your body. It is best applied just before going to bed as the sweat glands are most inactive during sleep.. Treatment of compensatory hyperhidrosis with botulinum toxin type A. which can be injected into the area of excessive sweating .Some patients say this treatment has given them renewed self-confidence, while others think the whole process is not worth the trouble. A licensed physician should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment of any and all medical conditions.

If you want to solve the embarrassing problem of underarm sweating, the link below will be a great help:-

Thursday 16 August 2007

Treatment For Sweating

Sweating is just another way in which the body disposes of waste matter, albeit in extremely small amounts, made worse by nervousness and nausea and decreased by cold. Sweating is an essential function that helps the body stay cool – you can think of it as the body’s air-con system! Although no one knows why some individuals sweat excessively, it is known that sweating is controlled by the sympathetic nervous system. Sweating is the release of a salty liquid from the body's sweat glands. If sweating is accompanied by fever, weight loss, chest pain, shortness of breath, or a rapid, pounding heartbeat, talk to a doctor. Research shows that it occurs in about 1% of the population. See the link below for advice on how to stop sweting and especially get rid of underarm sweating. In humans, sweating is primarily a means of temperature regulation, although it has been proposed that components of male sweat can act as pheromonal cues .

Causes Of Excessive Sweating

Excessive sweating, also known as hyperhidrosis, is a problem that many people suffer from. Excessive sweating can be a great problem for many people, just as a lack of sweating can be a problem. It may be episodic or continuous. Excessive sweating may also be a symptom of menopause. You can control it with strong anti-perspirants, which plug the sweat ducts. Excessive hand sweating/ palmar hyperhidrosis (the infamous wet hand shake!) is the only indication at present for which we recommend Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy (ETS). Excessive sweating has many causes, including: hyperhidrosis, strenuous activity, hot weather or wearing too much clothing for the temperature. Inherited factors, as some people sweat more than others, migraine headaches, almost any infection, such as pneumonia, tuberculosis or a serious heart infection called endocarditis. Excessive sweating is a very annoying and embarrassing disorder. Research shows that it occurs in about 1% of the population.

Read more to find out how to stop sweating and reduce underarm sweating

Tuesday 14 August 2007

Tattoo Advice - Do's And Don'ts Before You Get A Tattoo

According to the Food and Drugs Administration, 17% of people who have got tattoos, would like to have them removed ! And removing them (by laser) is an expensive business which can cost thousands of dollars. So, let’s assume you really want a tatoo. Here are some do’s and dont’s before you get inked.

DO understand what you are doing to your body.

So, what happens when you get a tattoo? Basically during tattooing and the application of permanent make-up, coloured pigments are injected by means of pinpricks into the middle skin layer (dermis). According to German dermatologists the most frequent adverse reactions to tattoos are severe skin reactions and infection. Unlike the dyes used in cosmetics for application to the skin like blusher, eye shadow or eyeliner, the dyes used in tattoos and permanent make-up have not undergone any tests with regard to their health impact. Some of these inks, depending on their colour contain chrome and mercury.

DO ask your doctor or dermatologist before taking the plunge. S/he may advise you on certain areas of the skin to avoid, obviously where the skin is broken or if you have moles or certain skin conditions.

DO seek out a registered tattoo artist and ask to see their equipment and studio. They should use disposable needles, have autoclave equipment for sterilising and should be able to show you their most recent spore test – ie. not more than two months ago.

DON’T choose sensitive skin areas where the skin is delicate and likely to break. This could also be very painful during the tattoo process- so best avoid wrists, feet and ankles. Basically stay away from the bony areas and go for the more fleshy areas.

DON’T choose elaborate colour designs if you suffer from skin allergies. The famous Black Light Tattoo which uses fluorescent elements and which light up only at night, might be best avoided.

DON’T have your tattoo done in the summer. The exposure to the sun and the added complication of sweat may actually hinder the healing process. After the skin has to get used to the foreign body , i.e. the dye pigment it may sometimes take up to three weeks to heal.

If you want to find some really cool tattoo designs, more tattoo advice visit the site :-

Sunday 12 August 2007

FAQs On Fat Burning

Believe it or not your hated fat is an efficient way to store energy, but it can only be translated back into energy fairly slowly. We tend to store too much of it because we do not exercise often enough and we do not eat frequently enough. Eating three big meals a day just encourages the body metabolism to store the fat in case we need it for a famine! Fat is also burned after the activity, when the body is recovering and growing. So you need a fat burning exercise program.

The best way to burn fat is to exercise and also to burn calories so what is your excuse? Without a doubt the best way to burn fat is to exercise first thing in the morning after you wake up and before eating. The reason for this is that your body has it lowest level of blood sugar or food energy than at any other time in the day due to the fact that you haven’t eaten since the day before. This is so effective that you will burn fat at twice the rate than you would in the afternoon or evening.

One of the myths that needs debunking is that you need to spend hours and hours doing aerobic exercise. Not true! Breaking news from the health researchers have found that if you take a break during workouts- say twenty minutes- then this helps to burn off fat more efficiently so to working out as hard as you can in bursts is good. You do need to get your heart rate up to the necessary level to start using fat for energy but once at the increased heart rate your body instantly starts going into fat burning mode. For most people that takes 10-15 minutes of continuous exercise to get your body into that fat burning machine. So we can see it is a slow-burning fuel which requires oxygen and exercising at lower effort enables the cells to use this energy more efficiently, meaning a greater percentage of fat can be burned, up to 70% of total energy used when exercising aerobically.

All in all the best way to burn fat in the shortest possible time is a mixture of a fat burning exercise program and a quality diet. You need to learn about fat loss foods. You will need a program where the weight comes off and stays off! You know that half the people who start diets quit after six months. The program I recommend below is created by a well known nutritionist and sports specialist and is always nutritionally sound.

Click on the link below :-