Friday 30 November 2007

Kwanzaa Holiday And Recipes

From December 26th to January 1st the African- American community in the USA will be celebrating the seven day holiday which originated in the first fruits celebrations in African cultures. It is now becoming an established holiday and celebrations range from giving gifts, candle lighting and feasts.

While many people believe it is an ancient African harvest festival, it was not born in pre-colonial West Africa, but in 1960s southern California. It is the brainchild of African-American radical activist, academic and convicted felon Ron Karenga ex Black Panther. He founded the festival way back in the 1960's in California when the civil rights movement was in full swing. It was and still is a way of connecting with the African roots and culture. It was also thought of as an alternative to Christmas , perhaps considered by many to be too Eurocentric.

Here is a link to Kwanzaa Recipes

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